A young man speaks with an ADHD specialist on an ipad in his home.

ADHD Treatment Online: Can it Work?

If you’re starting your treatment journey for Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder, congratulations! We’re excited for you to start focusing more easily and get tasks done more consistently. ADHD treatment usually combines medication management and behavioral therapy. But can you get help online and have the same results as in-person treatment? Let’s talk about online ADHD treatment, and whether it works.


Online psychiatry has surged in popularity since COVID-19 forced everyone to stay home more. Millennials are more interested in remote medical treatment than any generation before them. Some estimates show that up to 60% prefer telehealth over in-person care. The convenience of online visits makes them a great option for people with busy schedules, and for those who live in rural areas.


Research shows that Telepsychiatry is just as effective as going into an office. But there are some important things to consider before you choose remote ADHD treatment. 


KarmaDocs and KarmaTMS are integrative psychiatry practices offering in-person and remote mental health care. We treat patients in person and remotely for ADHD. We also specialize in depression treatment, PTSD, anxiety, and mood disorders. People with ADHD often come to us to have their symptoms evaluated, or to get a new care plan.  


Psychiatrists used to think of ADHD as a problem for kids, and it does affect one in ten children. But now we know that people don’t necessarily “grow out” of it as they age. Some research even tells us that half of cases may stick around past childhood. And of adults with ADHD, most of them were never diagnosed as kids. 


If you’re not sure you have ADHD yet, Let’s get clear on the symptoms we look for when patients come to us for an evaluation. 

Symptoms of ADHD

Everyone experiences ADHD differently. But here are the common symptoms we look for: 


  • Problems with attention. This might look like low performance at work or low grades in school. 


  • Trouble concentrating. Not being able to read a full chapter of a book or losing track of a conversation may be signs of poor concentration. 


  • Being disorganized. This can lead to missing events on accident, or losing track of work projects. 


  • Losing things (like your keys wallet, or phone) several times a day.


  • Forgetting tasks, conversations, or ideas. For example, a friend might talk about a movie you saw together last week, but you might not remember it as well as they do. 


  • Impulsiveness that impacts your daily life. Quitting your job spontaneously or booking an expensive vacation may be signs of impulsivity. 


Do any of these symptoms sound familiar to you? The thing about ADHD is that people without it experience these symptoms too. We’ve all had moments of forgetfulness or times when we made a decision on an impulse. The difference with ADHD is that these behaviors become patterns that make life a lot harder. 


Keeping a job is much more difficult if you’re forgetting about projects and meetings. Making good grades is nearly impossible if you can’t concentrate during lectures. Forgetting things here and there and losing focus is normal. But if these problems are chronic, they could be a sign of ADHD. 


Looking for ADHD Coping Mechanisms? See our blog with four helpful tips. 


On the other hand, ADHD also shares common symptoms with other mental health problems. Check out these examples of diagnoses that can appear similar ADHD:


  • Mood Disorders can lead people to make impulsive decisions, or act erratically. People with mania may have trouble concentrating because their thoughts are racing. 


  • Depression can also make you more forgetful. It can also make it harder to complete tasks like cleaning the house. 


  • PTSD can make it hard to focus because people with it are often stuck in fight-or-flight. 


Different mental health disorders can overlap. That’s why it’s important that you get a thorough evaluation of your ADHD symptoms before you start getting treatment. And it’s essential that you choose the right psychiatrist to check your symptoms. So let’s talk briefly about choosing the right remote ADHD specialist. 

Choosing an Online ADHD Specialist: Red Flags 

Picking a partner in your ADHD treatment is an important step. You want to choose a provider who will take the time to listen and evaluate your symptoms and give you options for treatment. There are also some red flags to watch out for when you’re looking for an ADHD specialist. 


If you’re on Instagram or TikTok, you might be seeing ads for ADHD help in your feed. These web providers often offer fast prescriptions and quick appointments. Several of these companies have come under investigation for violating the Controlled Substances Act. They pushed ADHD medications on patients without taking the time to get to know their needs. Cerebral, one of the more popular ADHD treatment startups, can no longer prescribe stimulants for ADHD because of these violations. 


If you’re looking for ADHD treatment, watch out for these red flags:


  • Feeling rushed during your evaluation
  • Your provider doesn’t have enough time to answer your questions
  • You’ve been prescribed a medication, but you don’t know why
  • Medication side effects haven’t been explained to you


These signs may mean that you need to keep looking for a different ADHD provider. Not all online ADHD treatment methods are the same. You want lasting help, not just a prescription. 


We don’t want this to scare you away from getting ADHD treatment online. There are still lots of reputable providers who will take the time to get to know you and help you put together a plan. Now let’s get into the evidence on whether remote ADHD treatment could work for you. 


Looking for a step-by-step guide to getting help with ADHD? Check out our guide on ADHD treatment in the LA area

Can Online ADHD Treatment Work?

Yes! According to the American Psychiatry Association, remote mental health care is just as effective as in-person care. 


Here’s the latest research and recommendations for digital ADHD treatment: 


  • In a meta-analysis, online ADHD treatments were more effective than making patients wait for in-person care. Waiting lists are standard practices for offices that are full. Yet they can mean that patients put off getting help. If you’re on a waiting list to see a psychiatrist in person, you’re better off scheduling a remote visit instead. 


  • Experts recommend keeping treatment for ADHD simple so it’s easier to follow the plan. Remote visits help simplify therapy, and patients find it easier to attend sessions via a phone or tablet. Email reminders, phone alerts, and physical appointment schedules can also make it easier to keep up with treatment. 


  • Online ADHD treatment is effective, but be wary of the information you read on the internet. In a large study of educational content about ADHD online, 14-54% of the information was inaccurate. If you want to read about mental health you can always turn to our blog, but a medical provider should be your next resource. 


Remote treatment for ADHD is effective, simple, and can help connect you with a provider faster. Now that you’re ready to get started, let’s talk about how integrative treatment for ADHD might look for you.

Remote ADHD Treatment for Adults: Here’s What Your Treatment Could Look Like

We’re a full-service psychiatry practice working to help our patients live better lives, with and without ADHD. Check out the steps for getting ADHD treatment online with KarmaDocs:


  1. Book your consultation online on our homepage, and fill out a few pages of paperwork. During your first consultation, we’ll take the time to understand your symptoms and make sure that ADHD is the right diagnosis for you. You’ll fill out an ADHD screening questionnaire to get an understanding of your symptoms. 


  • Understand your plan options. When you work with us, you’ll be an active participant in your care. We’ll make sure you understand your:
  • Medication options, 
  • Expectations for behavioral therapy, and 
  • Any lifestyle improvements we might recommend. 


  • Ongoing support ensures you have everything you need to be successful. We don’t prescribe medications and send you on your way. We’re here to make sure you have the best life possible with ADHD treatment online (or in person!). 


We can help you on your journey to better mental wellness. To book your first consultation, click the button on the top right corner of our homepage




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